How Can Customers Verify the Certification Status of a Gas Operator?

How Can Customers Verify the Certification Status of a Gas Operator?

The use of trained gas operators is one approach to guarantee the dependability and safety of gas pipe operations. Gas operators on Long Island and New York City need to be certified to carry out certain duties such as maintenance, connection work, and inspections. To comply with federal and state requirements, this page will help consumers check gas operator qualifications.

Tasks 86 and 87 Certification

Long Island and NYC gas operators need to have a certification in Tasks 86 and/or 87. While Task 87 deals with gas pipe construction, maintenance, and connection operations, Task 86 includes interior jurisdictional gas piping safety inspections. Operators who are certified for these jobs are guaranteed to possess the abilities and know-how needed to carry out their responsibilities in a safe and efficient manner.


Licensed master plumbers (LMPs) and their technicians need to pass written and practical tests, finish a 7-hour training session, and submit to a random drug and alcohol testing regime in order to become certified. The operator certification program is managed by the Plumbing Foundation of New York City in NYC, and it is handled by the PHCC LI program for National Grid's Task 87 requirements on Long Island.

How to Check Your Certification

Make a Document Request

Getting paperwork directly from the operator or the business that employs them is the first step in confirming the certification of a gas operator. Operators who have completed Tasks 86 and/or 87 should be in possession of a current certification card or document attesting to their qualifications. The name, certification number, and expiry date of the operator are often included in this paperwork.

Consult the Accrediting Bodies

Clients may also get in touch with the certifying authorities to confirm the status of their certification. The NYC Plumbing Foundation is responsible for overseeing the certification program. Clients may get in touch with them to find out whether an operator is certified or not. Verification for projects on Long Island under National Grid's control may be obtained via the PHCC LI program.

Consult the U.S. Department of Transportation and New York State Public Service Commission

The New York State Public Service Commission and the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) are in charge of regulating the certification criteria for gas operators. To confirm that the operator complies with federal and state standards, customers may get in touch with these organizations. To help in verifying the validity of a gas operator's certification, they could have databases or contact information.

Security and Adherence

A gas operator's certification status may be checked to make sure they are certified to carry out the required duties in a safe manner. To lower the risk of accidents and guarantee the integrity of gas systems, certified operators are taught to perform inspections, maintenance, and connection tasks related to gas pipes in accordance with safety regulations.

Assurance of Quality

There's a greater chance that certified gas operators will provide superior services. By virtue of their certification, they have shown that they have completed the demanding training and examination requirements and have the requisite technical knowledge for the position. In the long term, this results in better craftsmanship and fewer problems.


One of the most important steps in guaranteeing the legal compliance, safety, and quality of gas pipe work is to confirm the certification status of a gas operator. Through the request of paperwork, verification with certifying organizations, and consultation with relevant authorities, clients may engage skilled specialists with confidence. By exercising caution, they safeguard their property and guarantee the safe and effective functioning of their gas systems.

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